Blog Website with CMS Features using Notion API

Varun Singhal


Web Designer

Web Developer

UI Designer





This repo is what I use to power blog websites it's a template provided by travis fischer
It uses Notion as a CMS, react-notion-x, Next.js, and Vercel.


Setup only takes a few minutes (single config file) 💪
Robust support for Notion content via react-notion-x
Built using Next.js, TS, and React
Excellent page speeds
Smooth image previews
Automatic social images
Automatic pretty URLs
Automatic table of contents
Full support for dark mode
Quick search via CMD+K / CMD+P
Responsive for different devices
Optimized for Next.js and Vercel


All config is defined in site.config.ts.
This project requires a recent version of Node.js (we recommend >= 16).
Fork / clone this repo
Change a few values in site.config.ts
npm install
npm run dev to test locally
npm run deploy to deploy to vercel 💪
Double check your Vercel project settings
I tried to make configuration as easy as possible — All you really need to do to get started is edit rootNotionPageId.
We recommend duplicating the default page as a starting point, but you can use any public notion page you want.
Make sure your root Notion page is public and then copy the link to your clipboard. Extract the last part of the URL that looks like 7875426197cf461698809def95960ebf, which is your page's Notion ID.
In order to find your Notion workspace ID (optional), just load any of your site's pages into your browser and open up the developer console. There will be a global variable that you can access called block which is the Notion data for the current page. If you enter block.space_id, it will print out your page's workspace ID.
I recommend setting up a collection on your home page that contains all of your articles / projects / content. There are no structural constraints on your Notion workspace, however, so feel free to add content as you normally would in Notion.

Preview Images

We use next/image to serve images efficiently, with preview images optionally generated via lqip-modern. This gives us extremely optimized image support for sexy smooth images.
Preview images are enabled by default, but they can be slow to generate, so if you want to disable them, set isPreviewImageSupportEnabled to false in site.config.ts.


All CSS styles that customize Notion content are located in styles/notion.css. They mainly target global CSS classes exported by react-notion-x styles.css.
Every notion block gets its own unique classname, so you can target individual blocks like this:
.notion-block-260baa77f1e1428b97fb14ac99c7c385 {
display: none;

Dark Mode

Dark mode is fully supported and can be toggled via the sun / moon icon in the footer.
Like this project

Posted Feb 10, 2025

Deploy your own Notion-powered website in minutes with Next.js and Vercel. - varun050303/nextjs-notion-starter-kit






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