Branda (Brand Asset Management System)

Lukmon Abdulsalam

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Backend Engineer
Similar to Google Workspace, but for brand asset and strategy management

Stacks/Tools Used

Nestjs, Langchain

How I got involved

I realized the problems of managing brand assets and brand strategy, as it is all scattered over the different systems, I came up with an idea for business owners that need to manage all their brand assets and also develop new corporate strategy using their existing value offering (products).

Why was the project complex

The idea is explicit but the merging strategy and brand asset together comes with a set of challenges in terms of data security.

What I did to drive success

I developed the minimum viable product, which includes asset generation and management, and strategy generation and management.

The driving factor for success

Stripping down the idea into asset and strategy management reduced the implementation complexity and also, test suites were set up to meet the product requirement

Success Criteria

The Number of assets created and managed and, Number of users onboarded.

Conflict that arose

New Feature was creeping in when i decided to onboard some friends to work with me on the project.

Lessons learned

End to End Test over unit test

Ultimate Result

The project was deployed and a few beta-users were onboarded

How I have grown

Learning the business side of software is needed for longterm success of any product

Project Assets

Repository: Github Repo
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