Michael: Education as a Path to Security and Self-Reliance - Yo…

Onesmus Karanja


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Adobe Premiere Pro

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For refugee children, going to school isn’t only about advancing their education, but also serves as an essential protection tool. At school, refugee children are able to rebuild critical support systems (teachers, mentors, coaches) that they may have lost. School also allows children to integrate into their new communities by learning new languages and developing new friendships. When children attend school, parents have more flexibility to pursue income-generating activities, which helps lead to self-reliance. At the age of 10, Michael and his family were forced to flee their home in the Democratic Republic of Congo due to violent conflict. When Michael, his parents, and seven siblings arrived in Nairobi, Kenya in 2014, they faced extreme challenges. Many refugees in Michael’s position don’t have the opportunity to access education. Eager to learn, Michael read in his free time until his family enrolled him in primary school with help from RefugePoint. After Michael finished his primary education, RefugePoint continued to support Michael and covered his school fees throughout secondary school ­— the equivalent of high school in the U.S. — this includes the cost of uniforms, school supplies, and books. After years of hard work, Michael scored at the top of his class on the major final exam for Kenyan secondary school, earning him a place on the school’s honor roll and results worthy of university scholarships. With a passion for aeronautics and ambitious goals to help his fellow Congolese citizens, Michael is seeking to pursue his dream career as an aeronautic engineer.
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Posted Jun 1, 2023

For refugee children, going to school isn’t only about advancing their education, but also serves as an essential protection tool. At school, refugee children …








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Adobe Premiere Pro

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