Ref. no. Sample size Mechanism of death Interventions Summary of findings
18 1 Firearm PMCT + PM • PMCT with image reconstruction was able to accurately demonstrate the bullet entry point, exit point and trajectory.
• This enabled more reliable event reconstruction.
• Facilitated more objective and reliable detection and quantification of pneumothorax.
• Was able to better demonstrate parenchymal and skeletal injuries.
27 14 Natural PMCT + X-ray • PM changes similar to those observed in adults were noted including hyper-attenuation of the aortic wall, hypostasis and clotting in the heart and vessels.
• Was able to detect skeletal lesions associated with death following NAI.
• Highest discrepancy between PMCT and CA findings was observed in cases of pneumonia.
• Interpretation of lung pathologies (non-traumatic) was found to be challenging due to the presence of PM changes.
• Poor resolution of cardiac pathologies with PMCT was observed.
• In the unascertained deaths, combined use of CA, VA and histology was unable to detect a reliable COD. 4 Child abuse 29 Unascertained
23 9
RTA – 2
Firearm – 2
Stab – 2
Sport-related – 1
Strangulation – 1
Post-op – 1 PMCT + PM • Better than CA in detecting skeletal lesions.
• Limited detection of organ parenchymal pathologies and cardiac pathologies.
• Difficulty in differentiating AM and PM lesions.
• Misinterpretation of normal PM findings.
• Less value in asphyxia, natural deaths (mainly cardiac), acute bronchopneumonia, and aspiration. 14 Natural 2 Asphyxia 1 Unascertained
13 1 Post-op PMCTA + PM • Useful in identifying the point of bleeding in post-op haemorrhage.
15 1 Natural (neonatal neuroblastoma) PM-MRI • Useful when circumstances limit/prevent CA.
• Allows limited sampling for histology.
• Able to detect the extent of metastatic disease.
16 1 Natural (chordoma) PM-MRI • In malignancies, useful in detecting the primary site and metastatic spread.
21 18 Natural (9 with anasarca, 9 without) PM-MRI + PM • Better than CA for quantitative assessment of anasarca
22 17 LH + DH PM-MRI + PM • Useful to diagnose lung hypoplasia associated with diaphragmatic hernia.
• Can be used to assess treatment efficiency of lung conditions in an innate diaphragmatic hernia. 6 Congenital ab/n
31 123 Natural PM-MRI • No major structural cardiac abnormalities were missed with VA.
• 8 cases of myocarditis (2%) were not detected with VA
30 108 Natural PM-MRI • Useful for detection of pathologies especially when autolytic changes affect the histological examination.
• Concordance between VA and CA findings was slightly lower in children compared to foetuses.
• Furthermore, this concordance was observed to decrease with increasing age.
• The reason was poor detection of sepsis affecting lung and/or heart, intestines or disseminated sepsis using VA. 15 Traumatic
33 123 Natural PM-MRI • PM-MRI was good at detecting renal pathologies.
• Poor at detection of intestinal pathologies.
• The overall sensitivity and specificity for abdominal pathologies was, respectively, 72.5% and 80%.
24 29 Natural PMCT
PM-MRI • Diagnostic accuracy of PM-MRI was higher than that of PMCT.
• Higher number of PMCT examinations (than PM-MRI) were non-diagnostic.
12 1 Traumatic PMCT
PM-MRI • Cardiac laceration following blunt force trauma to the chest was detected by both VA and CA independently.
• The amount of hemopericardium was measured using VA.
14 1 Drowning PMCT • VA detected frothy fluid in airways and ground glass opacities in non-dependent areas of the lungs and haemodilution.
• VA was useful in excluding other forensically significant lesions/injuries.
11 1 FB aspiration MSCT + PM • MSCT was able to detect the presence and location of FB in the upper airway of the newborn.
• VA failed to detect the type and number of foreign bodies present.
• VA was able to accurately detect PIE which can be helpful in differentiating whether it was a live birth.
29 51
Child abuse – 42
Accident/abuse – 9 PMCT • Useful in traumatic deaths, with a high level of agreement with CA findings in unnatural deaths.
• Diagnostic accuracy of VA in natural deaths is low.
• 37% false negatives in unnatural deaths.
• Where no COD was detected with CA, VA failed to identify any positive findings in 98% of cases. 35 Unascertained 12 Natural
19 12 Neonaticide PMCT • Useful for the estimation of gestational age in states of advanced decomposition.
• Useful to differentiate between still and live birth in states of advanced decomposition.
26 35 Natural (unspecified) PMCT • Tapering of the aortic arch which is considered as a normal PM change can be misinterpreted as hypoplastic aortic arch.
20 7 NE PM-MRI + PM Cannot differentiate AM hypoxic brain injury from PM changes. 7 SUND
28 54 Natural (unspecified) PMCT + PM • In 12% of cases COD was identified using PMCT.
• In another 12% of cases PMCT was able to detect positive findings but they did not have any contribution to the COD.
• In 74% of cases PMCT was unable to add to the final COD.
17 1 Natural – PE PMCT + PM • PE was detected with VA only during the second reading by a more experienced forensic radiologist.
• This highlights the importance of specialized training for a positive outcome.
• Normal PM changes seen in PMCT chest including dependent layering of blood in the left atrium, hyper-attenuation of the aortic wall and left ventricular hypertrophy may be misinterpreted by a less experienced person.
25 31 Natural (unspecified) PM-MRI + PM • Better at detecting pneumothorax, pneumoperitoneum and hepatic iron overload.
• Inferior to CA in detecting pulmonary vascular changes in PHT, focal bowel necrosis and perforation, focal pulmonary haemorrhage, pulmonary consolidation and hypoxic–ischemic injury.
• Family survey revealed that the majority of families preferred the combined use of VA and CA in the death investigation rather than either one alone.
32 123 Natural PM-MRI • Poor detection of common non-cardiac thoracic pathologies with VA with a sensitivity and specificity of 39.6% and 85.5%, respectively.
• Among non-cardiac thoracic pathologies, VA was most useful in detecting structural abnormalities, including pleural effusions and lung hypoplasia.
• VA was least useful in detecting infection.