This is a lead-generating landing page I built for a fintech company. They used it during the Paycheck Protection Program of the US government. It generated thousands of leads and help thousands of people get funded.
Problem & Solution 🤝
By building this landing page and the automation, I helped the client in getting a continuous flow of qualified leads and they were able to generate thousands of clients seamlessly.
• Landing Page Design and buildout inside Clickfunnels
• Qualifying Form buildout and integrating it in the funnel
• Workflow in the PPP vetting process inside Jotforms
Process 🛣
While PPP is hugely attractive to everyone, I made sure that this landing page will attract real business who needs help by relating to their pain points and using this opportunity as a solution.
I know many leads will take advantage of this that's why I made sure that there's an established workflow in vetting the leads to make sure that every lead that will proceed to the application is a qualified one.
Results 🎁
It helped generate thousands of leads and thousands of qualified clients. We were able to help struggling business owners due to the pandemic.
Takeaways 📣
It is important to understand the needs of your target market and talk their language not yours.