
Rob McMackin

Product Designer

My role at Slite

Slite is a collaborative writing tool for the remote workplace. Over 3 years, I helped the team to ship dozens of features as a senior designer across many squads. I also provided design direction for the overall product, brand, copywriting and content.

How teams worked

Projects at Slite happen in squads with one PM, one designer and 2-3 engineers. Designers also worked together to give feedback regularly, but the following examples are from squads I was the lead designer on.



I lead two massive navigation and doc structure redesigns. From a 3 column, flat structure, to a 2 column, nested doc structure.

This is the old app layout

Out with the old

This is the layout after the redesign

In with the new


The system for users to get started with example docs, as well as create and reuse common docs in their team.


Slite's system to get team updates in a smarter way — Catch up.

Marketing support

Being a small company, from the start I had the opportunity to help shape Slite's voice.

I also worked with Studio Koto on the rebrand, leading the direction on our side. The goal was to differentiate us as a remote-first product, and have our brand give a sense of calm collaboration across every touch point.

For example, designing this simple landing page for our new remote education demo.

Remote culture demo page

Or designing, building and co-writing content sites, like this one about leading a company culture by writing.

In-product branding & illustration

After our rebrand, we had to refactor all of our in-product branding, updating all the colors, icons, and empty state illustrations. A big task but with 3 designers, we divided and conquered on this.

This is just a small sample of many features and improvements I shipped. I also had a big hand in things like the growth team, designing onboarding experiments to improve retention and activation, and the product's sharing and permissions system. Check out the product live below.


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