I had the opportunity to work on a truly fascinating project that presented some initial challenges. The project was for Horwin, a cutting-edge manufacturer of advanced electric motorcycles, wearable tech, and robotics. The company was undergoing a rebranding process, but they had hit a roadblock. Two factions within the company had differing visions for the rebranding - Party (A) wanted to pursue a Silicon Valley/Apple/Tesla route to build on current visual assets, while Party (B) considered this approach too safe and boring. Party (B) favoured a super futuristic direction inspired by 'West World', but party (A) thought it was too dystopian. I was hired by their copywriter to create concepts for each direction in an attempt to move everything forward. However, I realised early on that this would not resolve the deadlock, so in addition to creating concepts for the existing directions, I proposed a third option: a vaporwave/retrofuturism aesthetic. This nostalgic vision of the future struck a chord with both camps, offering familiarity and comfort while also exuding vibrancy and excitement. It was a perfect blend and it resonated deeply with everyone involved.