Summer Mental Health Activities for Kids

Deema Mubarak


Social Content Design

Graphic Designer

Social Media Marketer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


The evolution of the Teacher Tools for Student Mental Health toolkits created for parents looking for an opportunity to help support their children’s mental health during the summer break.

3 unique toolkits, a landing page, and social media posts.

Social media posts:

Launch post and Blog CTA post
Launch post and Blog CTA post

Example pages from toolkits:

Order: Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Order: Elementary School, Middle School, High School

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Evolution of the Teacher Tools for Student Mental Health toolkits created for parents looking for an opportunity to help support their children’s mental health






Social Content Design

Graphic Designer

Social Media Marketer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Deema Mubarak

🎨 Creative Graphic Design & Problem-Solving

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