Brand Revamp for Chicha. Co Brand Management

Quinnie Carvalho

Digital Marketer
This is a sample project drafted for a potential client.

Lets start with a SWOT analysis!

The bakery didn't have a home page website ( Here's a Sample)

Their Current Numbers on Social Media

While their current Instagram has a great following and established customer base, they do not post on a consistent time line.
The brand has an established branding kit and identity but no brand voice or target market niche, compromising their ability to compete with the competitive baking industry in Dubai.

Here's what they can do better

Subscription box's gives their customers something to keep coming back to and builds loyalty towards the brand.
The influencers mentioned are over 20k in following and personalities I've worked with !


Overall are doing well for a start up business however they could benefit from brand management and Content writing to give them a wider brand visibility and voice in the industry
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