Hair, like good health and youth, is an essential element of one's life. Hairstyle and length are distinguishing characteristics of a person's personality. Hair can make a person appear more appealing, but loosing hair can also reduce a person's self-confidence and openness in public. No one wants to lose their hair if they had the option. Baldness is the most prevalent cause of hair loss in people all over the world. Baldness can affect both men and women of both young and old age. Especially old age people have baldness. Men’s normally tends to loose their hair in their mid 25 and as the age grows the loosing hair increases. Men's hair starts to fall out in their mid-twenties or early-thirties, and the rate of hair loss accelerates as they get older. While women hair loss usually start after the age of 40. In men, hair loss is notice as a baldness in some area where as women hair loss is notice as overall thinning. Women's hair loss typically begins after the age of 40. Hair loss can occur at any age and can be temporary or permanent due to disease or other factors. On average, people lose 50 to 100 hairs per day. Because new hair grows in at the same time, this is usually undetectable. Hair loss happens when the hair that has fallen out is not replaced by new hair.