Set the stage for your work, and provide some key details about this project. Introduce collaborators, and provide any context that will be helpful to keep in mind (ex. brand, company, or project owners).
Problem & Solution 🤝
At the highest level, what problem did you solve, and who did you solve it for?
Goals/Requirements: Add some goals or requirements that helped get this project to the finish line.
• Goal or Requirement 1
• Goal or Requirement 2
• Goal or Requirement 3
Process 🛣
What steps did you take to solve this project’s problem? Share your ideas, what you discovered along the way, and what processes you took to arrive at your solution.
Results 🎁
Analysis that deepened in Everything Everywhere All at Once‘s themes. This analysis explains why Evelyn is hard on Joy and how Joy tries to deal with her existential crisis. Generational Trauma is key to understanding Joy‘s pain and Evelyn‘s behavior. Add a quote from the client, independent, or any other relevant collaborators 🗣
Analysis on Everything Everywhere All at Once
Takeaways 📣
I learned a lot about everything one can ignore without knowing. Research is key to every project and one can not commit to an excellent service without doing reliable research.