Mobile App: Amar Routine

Rayian Mahi

Flutter Developer
UI Designer


Amar routine was a solution to a problem students I knew were having. It was a passion project that I created for my fellow classmates and myself. Amar routine is a personal schedule tracker for students who have regularly occurring classes that they need to track the schedule and keep the notes and class-assignments on the same place.

Problem & Solution

Students needed a way to keep track of their classes and note their homework's and assignments given in those classes.
Requirements: • Ability to define their class times and subjects individually • Ability to set different types of assignments • Being able to get a notification before important assignments and classes


I worked with students and created a MVP version. Tested it with them and heard their feedback on the project. Incorporated their feedbacks into the app and listened for more feature requests and fixed the bugs that they helped me detect.


As a result I was able to help the community with my app that they could use.


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