
Andrew Sabatier


Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Naming Expert

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

With a foundation of more than 30 years in reseller hardware supplies, Homesmiths is a new brand offering a DIY retail experience with a difference. Aimed at ex-pats and western-educated people living in Dubai, Homesmiths is all about the tools and wares that make DIY possible.
Homesmiths is a convenience store that covers the basics and anticipates DIY need clusters such as kits and starter packs, and also includes ideas for makers and innovators in the crafts and startup communities. Homesmiths is positioned as ‘DIY-wares and Beyond’. This provides plenty of scope for future-oriented technologies that help improve the quality of life in the places that people care about.
As the name suggests, this retail experience is mostly concerned with the crafting of homes and is also interpreted to mean the places that people treat like home. Homesmiths represents communities that work together to facilitate ‘warm-hearted’ DIY experiences.
The brandlines ‘heart your home’ and ‘heart-it-yourself’ express a profound love of DIY. Not only does Homesmiths foster rich relationships with the tools and wares that make DIY possible, it also facilitates the engagement of future-facing technologies such as 3D printing.
Derived from a beehive of related ideas, the symbol is based on the structure of two intersecting isometric rectangular boxes that form an angular, ‘home-shaped’ heart and the line ends suggest ribbons of a gift-wrapped box.
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Posted Jul 21, 2023

Brand identity solution: name & visual identity.






Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Naming Expert

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Ellipse analysis
Ellipse analysis
Branding options
Branding options
Category invention
Category invention
Value proposition
Value proposition