Word Vomit

Tyler Liles


Creative Writer

Back at it again for another day of word vomit. Who knows what I’m going to write today, I personally have no idea. Currently I’m sitting in a Starbucks cafe trying my best to feel like a working professional; That being said, imposter syndrome is setting in hard. Im not even 5 minutes in yet and my hands are already starting to cramp up. Im going to chalk it up to poor writing posture. There we go… I moved my laptop down to well, my lap. Now I can write this Nonsense in comfort. I bet if I moved to a shorter table I could solve this problem. However, there is a rather large woman sitting at the table I want. 
How do master manipulators do it. Life would be so much easier if I could bend the will of passers by. I don’t think my morals would let me manipulate even if I could. Maybe I already do it subconsciously… perhaps some people don’t know they’re an ass until it’s too late. Am I an ass?
Anyway, the large lady in my chair of choice has now started crocheting. If I knew how to crochet maybe I’d have more room to talk. Considering I don’t know how to crochet it wouldn’t be fair for me to judge her as it seems hard and I don’t have the patience to try. I guess if I realllyyyyy had nothing to do I might give it a shot, until then ill shut my mouth.
Damn near 20 years on this planet and I still can’t drink out of a cup! Now I’ve spilled coffee all over my lap and feel like an idiot. Weird how our bodies change over time. I never in my life dealt with anxiety, and now a little bit of caffeine and my heart is in my throat for no reason at all… luckily I can look past my stupid brain and realize that what I’m feeling is just neurological and has no real affect on the world around me; After all it is the same old world. Four and a half billion years of just floatin’ around the galaxy and yet it’s still not boring.
I find it hilarious that after all the progress we’ve made in making the world a comfortable place to live that we’re now trying so damn hard to erase all that progress…( The large lady with the crochet finally left, I can finally type comfortably. ;) Where was I going with that last thought…  Oh yeah, the world sucks a little bit now; Why is that?
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Posted Apr 21, 2024

What my brain can produce in just a 20 minute work flow.






Creative Writer

Tyler Liles

The Imitator dooms himself to hopeless mediocrity.

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