Itamar Palogi aka faluja is a multidisciplinary artist who creates large-scale installations and sculptures for the public space and street art. He works with recycled, reclaimed wood and spray paint, at times combining the two. His work addresses the relationship between manmade buildings and nature, between urban and rural life, the private and the public spheres. He works within the eclectic mix created by the visual clutter on the street.
The Process
I sat down with Itamar and he gave me his references of the kind of music he is looking for, He really wanted to combine Native American Lakota elements with electronic music that will support the video documenting his project.
I incorporated his references with the right elements to the score and we did about 2 revisions to get to the final product.
The Result
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Crafted an evocative score for artist Faluja, blending Native American Lakota elements with electronic music to enhance his large-scale public art.
Music Producer
Sound Designer
Ableton Live
Tom Iddan
Elevate your Visuals with Custom-Tailored Sonic Branding