Analog Film Notes

Paulina Aler


Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Adobe InDesign

Project Description

This project aims to organize the lives of analog photographers by producing a streamlined note page for each roll of film they shoot. This organization method takes into account the shooting process of film with information like filters and push/pull stops that photographers may easily gloss over. This information is important to keep organized as it can accelerate and enhance the darkroom experience for analog photographers!


I have a very personal connection to this design as I created it to assist myself as I worked in the darkroom. My high school had an expansive darkroom that harbored unimaginable possibilities! As I worked in it, I was continually captivated by the equipment and techniques that could be practiced. I began to explore more advanced and nuanced ways to work within the room. Through all this, the information I kept on each roll of film I shot became cluttered and messy. I needed to find a way to focus this work and make a more consistent series of prints. This brought me into the design of the Film Notes page.
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Posted Aug 28, 2023

Designed to aid analog photographers in record keeping. Film Notes offer an easy way to keep track of what you shot and how you shot it. This is very useful to






Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Adobe InDesign

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