This is my own personal site, making me my own client. I designed it to be a one page style landing page, with the standard information web developers present in descending order of importance. The projects section only contains 3 projects for risk of more becoming a distraction, with a full page dedicated to projects in a planning stage so everyone doesn't have to look through my GitHub for everything.
The design is based on using a more simple structure without anything too fancy. While animations and such can be cool, they can often be distracting and even can break accessibility. The colour scheme was chosen by me picking a favourite colour of mine to work with in my hobbies, which is the burgundy, and then finding a decent contrasting colour and adding black for things of varying importance for headings.
The actual site is made using the Next framework. I actually used this as an opportunity to learn Next 13. I often use my own personal projects to learn new things, as I find it easiest to learn while building. As such, the code of the site isn't my best, as I was less concerned about best practices for it as opposed to building a good and functional site.
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Posted Sep 10, 2024
I designed, coded, and hosted a website to showcase my skills and projects.