Fagua Logo

Juliana Bernal Valencia

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Creative Director
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

"Joyería Atemporal"

Fagua is an artisanal jewelry brand specializing in timeless and fun accessories for young women. They create everyday pieces that complement the unique style of those who wear them.
The Voice: Fun | Elegant | Timeless | Artisanal
Process & Goals: The journey began with crafting a unique name - FAGUA, meaning 'star' in Muysccubun, the language of the Muisca culture. This resonates with timelessness and Colombian roots. The logo explores continuity and elegance, embodying the brand's essence.

Creative Deliverables

Brand Board
Collateral Design (Patterns, Packaging)
Social Media Templates
Creative Direction
Partner With Juliana
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