Notion Consulting - Life Hub suitable for beginners

Alice Scalamandrè


Project Manager



About the Project

The goal of the project was to optimize my client’s systems regarding task management and finance tracking in a beginner friendly way.

What I Did

I had a call with my client to understand the pain points of her current system. She was using multiple tools to handle tasks and wasn't satisfied with them. Additionally, she was using Excel to manage her finances but found it too high-maintenance. She wanted to have both finance and task management in one place. During our call, I proposed a potential solution. Afterwards, I worked independently to develop the final product.


What I delivered was a duplicable tailored Notion dashboard with a finance tracker and a task management system. I also provided an explanatory video to teach her the ins and outs of the product.
Interesting addition: after learning more about Notion formulas, I’ve added a “virtual assistant” to have day-to-day automated finance and tasks overviews (visible in the photo).

What the Client Said

I was struggling to manage tasks and finances across different tools, and it was overwhelming. Now, I can handle my tasks and finances in one place, and it’s made my life so much easier!

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Posted Sep 5, 2024

I transformed my client’s chaotic task and finance management into a seamless, beginner-friendly Notion dashboard. Now she handles everything effortlessly in on






Project Manager



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