Spartacus (Hy Metals JSP/Angular)- B2C and B2B

Punam Siingh

QA Tester
Google Docs
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Word
1. Created Testcases, Test Scenarios and Test Document.
2. Involved in Sprint planning meetings to discuss sprint goal and user stories that would
be part of sprint backlog for the up-coming sprint.
3. Worked on Browser stack to perform mobile device testing and cross browser tes
4. Defect reporting for the user stories through Jira tool.
5. Performed regression/sanity testing after each defect fixed to reduce the impact on
previous working functionalities.
6. Involved in daily stand up with clients/project team to discuss the status.
7. Involved in Sprint meetings to give QA story points/discussion according to it with
the team members for the tickets
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