I was staying at my sister's place when I saw her Teflon non-stick pan covered in scratches and the top coating peeling off in several places. She saw my expression and said 'Haha yeah, my pans are in bad condition but it's alright. I don't care.' As much as I wanted to stop myself from giving my unsolicited advice and opinion and I still gently told her that she should be getting rid of her utensils ASAP.
Cooking or boiling anything in nonstick pans of poor condition releases a chemical polytetrafluoroethylene every single time you cook. These are also known as PFA's or as some people call them, 'permanent chemicals' since they tend to circulate in our blood system for decades and never break down. PFAs have been linked to a number of health conditions, such as cancer, high cholesterol, and fertility issues.
Keep reading this article if you want to be convinced that nonstick pans are going to kill you. I for one, am totally convinced and just ditched my non-stick pans and made the switch to stainless steel cookware.
Dangers of Non-Stick Cookware
As mentioned above, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), fluoropolymer, or PFA's are used to create Teflon coating in non-stick pans, which are not only harmful to human health but also to the environment. It has been linked to cancer, infertility, and many more diseases.
But these chemicals are literally EVERYWHERE and not only cookware. They are used in electric wiring, pipes, waterproof clothing, and even microwave popcorn bags, so completely eliminating all your cookware won't solve the problem entirely.
The main point is that you should definitely be getting rid of your worn and torn withered-away pans with the coating peeling off. Ideally, non-stick pans should be replaced every 3-5 years depending on their condition and if they have any scratches.
Make the Switch
Why get pans that are harmful to your health and that you have to replace every 3-5 years? That's like flushing money and your health down the drain, in my opinion. If you want pans that don't pose any health risks and are nearly indestructible and will last for decades to come, go for stainless steel cookware. You could also go for cast iron pans but they are ridiculously heavy and put a strain on your wrist.
Stainless Steel pans are lightweight in comparison and dishwasher safe. Some people worry that food may stick to the pan which would be inconvenient, but the trick to that is to season your pan before cooking. Simply heat up your pan at medium heat on your stovetop and add a high smoke point oil like vegetable or avocado oil. Using a wadded-up paper towel, coat the entire inside of the pan and let it continue to cook until it starts to slightly smoke. Turn the pan off and allow it to completely cool. Once your pan is cool to the touch, use a fresh paper towel to wipe off any excess oil. That’s it. Now your pan is seasoned and ready to go. You can test if it’s hot by adding a very small amount of water to the pan, like 1/8th of a teaspoon. The water should first spread into small beads and then come back together into one large droplet. Now you’re ready to cook!
Here's a stainless steel cookware set that I tried out. It's perfect for daily home cooking or professional cooking, is very lightweight and compact, and looks so classy for any home.
So, what are you waiting for? Will you put your health first and make the switch?
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Posted Jul 9, 2023
Blog Article about the toxic health effects of non-stick cookware in comparison to Stainless Steel utensils.