Madi 💫

August 24, 2022

· 3 min read

There are three ways to hire on Contra -- start by creating an opportunity and open it to applicants, browse Discover and send an inquiry, or send a proposal directly to an Independent you’ve already agreed to work with. We’ll go through all three of these in this article and when to use each one!

Discovering Independents 🪄

How to discover Independents 👀

Discover is our version of search! You can use Discover to sort through Independents by Category, Role, or Tools to find the perfect match for you 🤝

What happens next

Once you find an Independent you’d like to work with, you can click the “Get in Touch” button to send them an Inquiry.

Make sure to include all of the details about the project and budget so they can assess if it’s in line with the type of work they do!

When the Independent accepts your Inquiry, you will get a notification and can create a proposal to start working together!

Posting an Opportunity 💼

When to post an opportunity

Opportunities on Contra are perfect for when you know what you want to hire for, but not who you want to hire.

How to post an opportunity

Starting with the “+ Hire” button in the top nav bar or with “New Opportunity” action in the left sidebar, to create an opportunity and detail your hiring needs.

While creating an opportunity, you can choose to make it public or private.

  • Public opportunities are posted to Contra's opportunity feed and are open to applicants. Additionally, the Contra team will match your opportunity to qualified Independents. This is the best way to go if you are looking for new talent on Contra.

  • Private opportunities are invite-only and are not open to applicants. This is a great way to summarize your project needs and share discreetly with Independents in your network.

Creating a Proposal 🗒️

When to create a proposal

Already know who you want to work with? That’s great! We made the creating a proposal project for Clients like you!

How to create a proposal

Choose “New Proposal” and from there you can add in all of the information about deliverables, payment, scope, and timeline. Input the Independent’s email and we will send them the proposal to sign! ✍️

Bonus Tips for Working With Independents 💡

  1. We recommend getting on an intro call with the Independent before starting work so that you can align expectations and discuss scope! Intro calls a great way to assess fit for the project, set the timeline, and kick things off on a positive note 🚀

  2. When working with someone new or on a larger scope project, we recommend kicking it off with a test project to make sure they are the right Independent for the job!

And there you have it! Those are the three ways you can hire on Contra. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at — we are here to help 💪

Madi 💫

Community at Contra ✨

Hi, I'm Madi ✨ I connect independents with resources + support to take control of their independent career! 🚀 In my free time, you can usually find me reading or exploring a local cafe ☕️

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