11AutoGlass — repair service marketplace

Maksym Hazevych


Web Designer

Web Developer




The project is a new and extra-easy to use marketplace for auto repairs, primarily targeted at glass replacement by mobile repairmen.
My role at this project was to create a user-facing form page, where people can submit a repair order through an easy and quick to navigate form.
The headline of the page, with a ZIP input field
The headline of the page, with a ZIP input field
One of the notable features of the website is extensive styling of input elements. For example, a license plate input is made to look as a license plate. This might not seem like a necessary feature, but it surely improves user experience.
The license plate input field
The license plate input field
Practically every field type has been styled to look in place with the rest of the website. Consistency is the key in User Interfaces.
To improve the form navigation, there is no usual "next" button that would guide you through the form steps. Instead, as soon as you fill out the current step, another one appears — and your screen is scrolled to it. This scrolling navigation solved the annoyance of clicking the usual "next" and "previous" buttons, as you can just scroll back up to change anything you'd like to change.
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Posted May 1, 2024

A new and extra-easy to use marketplace for auto repairs. Primarily targeted at glass replacement by mobile repairmen.






Web Designer

Web Developer




Proctolog.info — informational medical website
Proctolog.info — informational medical website
Various OSS contributions
Various OSS contributions