Since IBD is a relatively common disease, with about 5-8% of the population having been diagnosed, the disease already has semiotics associated with its community. For instance, the color purple and a breast-cancer-like ribbon are all used widely in the IBD community. That meant that these colors would be important to use in this company’s branding. However, it didn’t have to stop at purple and a ribbon. I felt like the color green, representing growth and new life, would be a powerful color to add to this company’s branding by representing the new growth that can happen for patients while they build their inner tenacity and face some of life’s toughest lessons. I also felt like the ribbon was an icon that put patients into a sickness-identifying mental state. I wanted the brand to be an uplifting and inspiring place for patients to commune, meaning that the branding should feel like it has a soul and is imperfect and ever-growing. I tapped into a more hand-drawn kid-like logo to once again tap into new-growth and to give the entire brand a personality. On top of the logo, the client wanted to touch on 5 content subjects that would help patients find which complementary medical practices would help them mitigate their disease worsening —workouts, food, research, treatments, and quotes. You can find more about the brand transformation below.