Teachable Course Rebrand and Strategy

Shandice Stallworth


Content Creator

Operations Manager

Social Media Marketer

Facebook Analytics

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- Course Audit - Rebrand - Sales Copy - Relaunch Strategy - Email Copy - Social Media Ads

Social media graphics created for the course relaunch.
This is the design and copy prior to the rebrand and copy rewrite.


In mid-March, I had a knee dropping moment when my last in-person retreat cancelled. My full calendar was suddenly empty, and I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet. I emailed you asking if you could help us put together a plan to market Overwhelmed No More. Not only did you help us do this, but you brought the idea of journeying together as a community. With your help, we gathered over 150 people globally for a retreat in a time of worldwide crisis. This retreat served as a space to build hope in people that they were not alone. Using your marketing plan, we ran a second community version of Overwhelmed No More this fall, gathering another 100 people. Not only did these two retreats help our budget for the year, you helped me learn a new method of accompanying people deeper in their relationship with Christ.

- Becky E, Author, Spiritual Director, and Retreat Facilitator, Louisiana, U.S.
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Posted Mar 4, 2021






Becky Eldredge


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Shandice Stallworth

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