Developed an Excel-based solution to automate a laborious process for documenting the testing and certification of personnel.
The client had a corrupt Access DB that was saved as an Executable by the original developer a decade earlier. The data was not recoverable, but was saved in various spreadsheets. This data represented all the certifications and tests that the employees completed. Eye tests, education, etc. This is very important in their industry.
1. Recreated the format of the existing paper form in Excel.
2. Identified data gaps and created tables in Excel to feed the form. These tables would be copy/pasted from existing lists the company had.
3. Built complicated business logic into the form as a way of extracting data from the tables, transforming the data via the business logic, with the form as the final landing spot. This was complicated business logic and could not have been completed without and Excel expert.
4. The client wanted to view the form, select an employees name and the certification type from a dropdown list, and have the remainder of the form auto-populate for printing
5. Built a print macro that would format the form for printing as a pdf document and send it to the printer.
6. Documented Standard Operating Procedures for maintaining the form as the project closed.
There were weekly recorded sessions with the client to not only show progress, but to further document the next step in the requirements.