Spotify DataDNA challenge - YouTube

Mina Saad


Data Modelling Analyst

Business Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Power BI

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My submission for OnyxData DataDNA October 2023 challenge.
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Spotify Soundwaves

In this analysis, a Power BI report was created to analyze a Spotify dataset containing information about the most streamed tracks of 2023. |
The report aims to provide insights into popular tracks based on their streaming statistics, such as the number of streams, artists, modes, and associated attributes.
By visualizing the data and exploring various dimensions, we can gain a deeper understanding of the music trends and preferences for the year.
Most of the visualizations were made using Deneb custom visual using the Vega-lite code and HTML custom visual.
Report design made by PowerPoint, making a report design similar to the UX design of the Spotify website to ensure an intuitive and easy-to-use design.

Key Points:

Home Page:
It offers a summary view for the selected year to show the average attributes of tracks, streams per track mode for major and minor types, and what are the highest and lowest tracks in terms of streams.
Most Streamed Tracks:
The report identifies the most streamed tracks of 2023, providing insights into the songs that gained significant traction among Spotify users. These tracks are ranked based on the number of streams, allowing users to explore the music that captivated audiences throughout the year.
Associated Attributes:
The report explores various attributes associated with the most streamed tracks, such as danceability, energy, popularity, and acoustics.
Visualizations and interactive tools allow users to examine relationships between these attributes and identify patterns or correlations that contribute to the popularity of certain tracks.


This Power BI report on the analysis of the Spotify dataset for the most streamed tracks of 2023 offers valuable insights into the music trends and preferences of the year. By examining top artists, popular tracks, genre distribution, time-based patterns, geographical insights, and associated attributes, users can gain a comprehensive understanding of the music landscape during that period. This analysis serves as a powerful tool for music industry professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to make informed decisions, discover emerging trends, and appreciate the diverse nature of music consumption in 2023.
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Posted Jul 28, 2024

Analysis of the Spotify dataset for the most streamed tracks of 2023






Data Modelling Analyst

Business Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Power BI

Mina Saad’s Data Analytics Project | Maven Analytics
Mina Saad’s Data Analytics Project | Maven Analytics
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