Bank Of Africa

Youssef Boumezough

UX Designer
Software Engineer
Product Strategist
React Native
Tailwind CSS
Bank Of Africa


Capone is an affiliate of both Evold and BMCE, the company is a consulting and development agency, assisting businesses to solve their challenges through the use of technology.

Context 🌉

BMCE is using an all-in-one solution software to manage their interaction between all employees, BMCE's leadership of directors and executives find the part responsible for assisting them to manage their meetings and agendas hard to use, time-consuming, and tough to read and engage on.

Mission 💡

Design and build a tablet application to enable the c-suite of BCME to collaborate the planning and the execution of their meetings efficiently, including features like comments and notes on shared files, contributing to the agenda of the meetings, easily access and manage their schedule securely from within the app.

Evold steps In 🚀

Our team took ownership over the whole process, researching, designing, and implementing the solution.
Taking into consideration the main characteristics of the environment and the end-user, we have implemented a simple-to-use user interface, rich with details and utilities to help them collaborate and engage with other participants and contribute to the agenda of the meeting.
One of the major concerns was security, our team went through the process of researching, designing, and implementing strict security policies to enable 100% secure interaction with the API.

Tech talk 👨🏻‍💻

The front-end was developed usingReact Native(to support both Android and IOS), the UI elements were made with a costume design system built specifically to be used in the project.
Targeted platforms: Mobile (Tablet first)

Resources (After) 📚

⚠️ Evold developed the product through the whole cycle, but due to our agreement with the other involved parties, we cannot give direct access to the application neither on staging nor production, same applies to the final design file, thanks for your understanding 🙏🏻
Partner With Youssef
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