IBM Cache and Query Management

Derien Brown

Designed IBM Cloud Pak for Data’s Cache & Query management experience and its ability to facilitate aggregate and individual data queries, including: onboarding, cache/query management, data monitoring and manual data source creation.
-Rest of project coming soon. Stay tuned please (Expect to see the deep dive)

Introduction to IBM Cloud Pak for Data

What Is IBM Cloud PaK For Data

Cloud Pak for Data System is an all-in-one cloud-native Data and AI platform in a box, that enables you to collect, organize and analyze data with unprecedented simplicity and agility, within a preconfigured and governed environment. With Cloud Pak for Data System, software and system management is simplified through a single intuitive dashboard and you benefit from a flexible pay-as-you-go capacity model.
What is IBM Cache Management
A SaaS external product feature that allowed Engineers to make machine learning models from existing data. Virtualize your command line of data to real data objects and options.
Key Product Goal :
Primary User To Design for
Additional Responsibilities
Building epics and design QA
Migrate IBM Cloud Pak for Data:Data Virtualization from AP: Plus to Carbon 10.
Aswell as transforming the existing product experience
Primary role and Responsibilities
Role: Product Designer
Responsibilities: Product Design, Product Wireframes, Product Architecture, Design to Dev Hand-Off. Ensuring Product Hand off of Empty and Working state are feasible/QA Tested
Teammates: Dasi Fletcher, Josh Dillard

Create IBM Cache and Query Management V1

Kick Off from Engineering

Natural Language Flow

Taking what we might consider as the first design and transforming it (Ask for a closer look)
Full Information Architecture creation and complex design systems
Full Information Architecture creation and complex design systems
Cache Management Home Screen
Query Management: Home Screen
Query Management :Expanded Queries
For Other Data Virtualization Key Screens please view the product revamp in my other contra project for Data virtualization all screens (Coming Dec 12,2024)
Like this project

Posted Dec 7, 2023

In my first year with IBM, I worked as a product designer for the IBM Cloud Pak for Data (ICP4D) product under the data virtualization add-on.

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