94% YoY Email Revenue Growth for e-Commerce Brand with Klaviyo

Finn Gedge Gibb

eCommerce Marketer
Email Marketer
Growth Marketer

94% Growth YoY with Email Marketing Program

After taking over email marketing operations for a Shopify based e-commerce merchant, we could immediately see there was room for growth following a comprehensive audit of their Klaviyo account.

Based on our audit findings, we laid out 3 strategic recommendations to improve the effectiveness of their email program.

The sign-up forms performed below average, bottlenecking potential revenue from email marketing activities

There were multiple foundational automated flows that were missing for complete coverage of the different stages of customer journey

The brand wasn't sending regular campaign emails with any cadence or consistency to help nurture subscribes and keep them engaged with the brands emails

Our hypothesis was that by fixing these key issues, the brand would unlock additional revenue and profitability without increasing marketing spend. In turn this would translate to higher customer life time value, a key driver of profitability in DTC.

For our optimisation strategy we tackled these recommendations in a number of ways:

1. We first built new sign-up forms for Desktop and Mobile separately to better control and optimise the relevant device's experience. Following this we tested variations of copy, call to actions, visuals and number of steps ultimately achieving an overall average 8% opt-in rate across all forms. Following this, we then implemented an "Abandon Site Recovery" sign-up form which helped recover an additional 10% of emails from users about to exit the site.

2. Next, we tackled core automated flows to ensure that the key user touchpoints in the customer journey were being accounted for. For those already existing flows, we went ahead and implemented some additional A/B testing on subject lines & email content to optimise the performance where possible. By increasing coverage of the touchpoints with key flows, we were able to unlock additional untapped revenue from the list.

3. Finally, we aimed our sights on regular campaign creation to increase brand affinity with our audience and break up promotional messaging with value based content. To facilitate this, we created a bank of content ideas based on research conducted and mapped these onto a content calendar for the upcoming 90 days. In this initiative, we also saw opportunity to boost discoverability of the website via SEO. To this end we created blog style content for the content in our calendar, utilising popular keywords for Google and Bing to rank.

These educational style blogs were then highlighted as the cornerstone content within our email campaigns to encourage subscribers to click-through and visit the website. By doing so, we not only sent positive deliverability signals to email service providers, but we also drove additional sales for the brand from users browsing the site after engaging with the content. This soft-approach worked well to remind users of the brand by email and balance out the more promotional nature of the automated flows in place.

Result: 94% Growth in 12 months with Email Marketing Program

After all was said and done, the combined efforts of the three optimisation initiatives helped almost double the brand's revenue from email marketing in the course of 12 months.

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