Franchise management system with e-commerce, memberships, & more

Matthew Lewis

Web Designer
Web Developer
Craft CMS

The Project:

A startup franchisor needed a custom system to manage and support a chain of independent locations, each with its own membership-based customer list and referral system. Requirements included local management, but with centralized benefits, features, and oversight. Many systems had to work together, sharing data and combining access.
The client also highly prioritized "future-proofing" the project so it could be modified or extended as needed, in a quick and agile manner.

The Solution:

After lengthy and detailed consultation with the company's leadership, we recommended developing a centrally-run website with public-facing information, membership, and e-commerce features, matched with a private management portal for use by corporate staff and individual franchise owners.
We developed the website using Craft CMS due to its speed, security, and extreme flexibility. Responsive, mobile-first design was combined with completely hand-written HTML for very lean, well-structured pages. A bright, airy, upscale look and feel with simple navigation and subtle visual effects fit perfectly with the company's branding.
The database was designed to set up, track, and manage individual locations along with their local memberships. Automated integrations with third-party technology partners supported externally-sourced membership features and other business needs.
The end result was a "system of systems" that performed flawlessly at all levels. The overall complexity of the project was well-hidden behind exceedingly simple user and management interfaces. And the client was satisfied that the end result was indeed "future proof" due in part to our ability to adapt to evolving needs even during the course of initial development.


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