What was the big difference between the PS4 and the PS5? Although there were many hurdles, like the aforementioned supply chain challenges, chip shortages, and a worldwide pandemic, the real difference was the games. The PS4 saw more than 50 games released within the launch window, and although not all were exclusives, many were, and when compared to the abysmal 24 released during the launch window of the PS5, it is easy to see why many have dubbed this period as the “PS5 game drought,” and many consumers are now disillusioned with the system. Even with heavy hitters like Baldur’s Gate 3, which eventually released on Xbox Series X, the surprise hit Helldivers 2, and Spider-Man 2, the gaming landscape seems a bit thin. Sony promises that the drought will end, and summer is traditionally the time when big blockbuster titles are revealed, so we all will have to wait and see.