Rewriting: Transforming a Mental Wellness eBook

Victoria Anne Wise


Lead Generator

Copy Editor



Google Docs


My client approached me to edit an eBook she had written for lead generation. I decided to rewrite it to create a more powerful message.

She loves it!

I rarely rewrite content. If I'm rewriting something, it's because I see huge transformational potential. In this case, my client's writing was from the heart, but it just lacked an extra oomph.

Here's an excerpt of what we started with:

"What was the experience of the braindump like for you? Do you feel some relief? Do you feel overwhelmed too by all there is to do? Most likely, it will be a bit of both.
Notice how all that stuff was weighing you down in the background of your mind. Can you see more clearly why capturing as things arise will serve you better than ignoring or letting them take up your mindspace? You may be thinking that you were less overwhelmed before you started the exercise of fully capturing what was in your mind. You didn’t see it all, so you weren’t bothered. But notice the false reality of this. The only difference now is that you have the totality of what you are dealing with in front of you versus in your mind weighing you down in the background.
This is the beginning of the freedom that comes with the Groundwork System. You have a fuller, clearer view of your life.
Let’s quickly recap this first simple practice: capturing.
Capture everything, as things arise: ideas and tasks, so that you are keeping a clear mind free from what clutters your brain. Get rid of sticky notes, lists, random papers you have lying around reminding you of all sorts of things to do.
Capture your items as they come up in one of two places: a physical notepad, which has pages you can rip out and discard, or a digital note taking application so that you have access to capturing wherever you go. These should be the only two places you note things down."

Here's what I created:

How did the brain dump feel for you? Did it generate some relief, or do you feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do? You’ll probably feel a bit of both.
Notice how all that stuff was subconsciously weighing you down. Can you see why capturing everything that arises is better than ignoring it or letting it burden your mind?
Perhaps you’re thinking you were less overwhelmed before you started the exercise. You didn’t realize how much was in your head! The difference is, you now understand what you’re dealing with rather than everything weighing you down. You can prioritize what you need to handle first, rather than things hiding in the back of your mind to creep up on you later.
This is how our Groundwork System generates a feeling of freedom. You can develop a fuller, clearer view of your life and discover how to be proactive rather than reactive.
Here’s a quick summary of capturing:
- Capture everything as thoughts arise, such as ideas and tasks.
- Only use a notepad with pages you can rip out or a notes app. These are the only two places where you should note things down.
- Trash sticky notes, lists, and random papers reminding you of your to-dos.
- Capturing keeps your mind free of clutter.

Here is how I did it:

🟥 First things first, I realised the sentences were too long. Short sentences work. They pique the reader's interest and keep them reading. And in a lead gen situation, you definitely want them to keep reading!
🟧 I ensured the content was clear, powerful, and actionable. I used bullet points, summaries, and simplified language. While doing this, I stayed true to their brand voice. That also means writing in US English.
🟨 Error-free and easy-to-read text are important in any situation, especially when you're selling your services. (Don't @ me if I've made a mistake in my portfolio.)
🟩 I also brought the client's branding front and centre by highlighting their company name and techniques. This also included using the words "we" and "our" to add to the authoritative feel of the eBook.
🟦 I added a CTA to encourage the readers of the free eBook to register for workshops.
🟪 I reviewed the Canva design afterwards and made minor design and text edits.

What did my client say?

I love what you've done. You get my brain and understand how to refine the style. I really see how good you are at making things very real and tangible for the reader. Absorbable and actionable. This is something I struggle with. You're a god send.

My client referred me to her best friend's marketing agency after only three billable hours.
How many freelancers make that much of an impression on you? 😉
Like this project

Posted Oct 9, 2022

My client approached me with an eBook she had written for lead generation. I decided to rewrite it to create a more powerful message. She loves it—Check it out!






Lead Generator

Copy Editor



Google Docs


Victoria Anne Wise

Native English Editor and Writer

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