Glowing Radiance: Omnilux Facemask and Neck & Décolleté Reel

Emily Garbutt

UGC Creator
TikTok Creator
Instagram Creator

Tasked by Omnilux, I crafted a viral reel that highlighted their Contour Facemask and Neck & Décolleté products while staying true to the brand's identity. This engaging content resonated with viewers, amassing nearly 1 million views and reaching 961k individuals. The success of this reel not only led to further collaborations with Omnilux but also enhanced my personal brand awareness. From creative concept to pre and post-production, filming and delivering the final assets, I ensured a seamless process that delivered outstanding results for both Omnilux and my personal brand


The content strategy for "Glowing Radiance: Omnilux Facemask and Neck & Décolleté Reel" focuses on maximizing brand exposure, engagement, and collaboration opportunities. It ensures brand values are reflected, fosters audience engagement, and leverages viral potential through compelling content. By strategically using the reel's success for collaboration expansion and personal brand growth, the strategy aims to enhance visibility, credibility, and partnership opportunities for both Omnilux and personal brand development.

Radiant Product Showcase: Technical Skills Set

  • Creative Ideation: Ability to develop innovative and engaging concepts that align with the brand's products and messaging.
  • Brand Representation: Proficiency in interpreting and reflecting Omnilux's brand identity and values in the content creation process.
  • Viral Content Creation: Skill in producing content with high shareability and engagement potential, leading to significant reach and views.
  • Strategic Collaboration: Capability to use successful content initiatives to nurture partnerships and secure future projects with the brand.
  • Personal Brand Development: Expertise in leveraging collaborations and successful content campaigns to enhance personal brand awareness and growth.
  • End-to-End Production: Competence in managing the entire content creation process, from initial concept development to filming, editing, and delivery of final assets, ensuring a seamless and successful execution of the project.
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