10 Foods That Will Make Your Period Pain Go Away!

Supriya Kadu



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Period pain can be extremely severe for some women, while some don’t even experience it. Periods could be different for every woman depending on their body type and reproductive health.
Menstruation is a natural process that every woman goes through once a month. Some go through severe period cramps, while others have other symptoms like tender breasts and mood swings. Would you believe us if we told you there’s a way you can stop or at least reduce your period pain?
Being a woman myself, I can guarantee you that some food can definitely help you with the period pain. Below, we have curated a list of foods and the benefits of having them for the betterment of your reproductive health and to make your period pains go away.

Foods That Will Help You with Period Pain

Dealing with menstrual cramps is a common struggle for many women, affecting their daily lives and productivity. Many women suffer from monthly cramps, which interfere with their daily lives and productivity.
While there are multiple treatments available, did you know that appropriate foods might help alleviate period pain? In this blog post, we'll look at foods that can significantly reduce menstrual discomfort.
We'll also explore the broader topic of reproductive health and how eating a balanced diet can help with overall well-being, as well as the necessity of avoiding unplanned pregnancies.
We have specially curated a list of foods to release you darlings from period pain. At least one of these food items could be your savior. Try consuming one of these and see the results.

1. Ginger

Ginger is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to treat a variety of pains. Adding ginger to your diet can be particularly helpful during menstruation. Ginger, whether added to tea, soups, or smoothies, helps reduce inflammation and menstruation cramps.

2. Dark Chocolate

A joy for chocolate lovers! Dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, can be a delicious way to relieve period pain. It contains magnesium, a mineral recognized for its soothing traits. Magnesium relieves cramps by relaxing the uterine muscles, thus dark chocolate is a wonderful treatment for those difficult days.

3. Salmon

One of the most successful ways to relieve period pain is to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Salmon, a type of fish such as salmon, contains these vital fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory qualities. Omega-3s can help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps by reducing inflammation, and offering a natural and pleasant treatment.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric, which contains the active component curcumin, is another effective anti-inflammatory medication. Turmeric in your meals can help to relieve period discomfort by lowering inflammation. Consider adding this golden spice to your diet through curries, stews, or turmeric-infused drinks.

5. Leafy Greens

Iron deficiency can worsen period pain because it is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which provides oxygen to cells. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are excellent sources of iron. Consuming these greens can help maintain healthy iron levels and potentially relieve period pain.

6. Banana

Bananas are a handy and enjoyable snack that is also high in potassium. This vital mineral promotes muscle relaxation, which is especially beneficial during menstruation. Bananas can help relieve uterine muscle stress and cramps.

7. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, like almonds and flaxseed, are high in magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. Collectively, these minerals help to reduce inflammation and promote reproductive health. For a highly nutritious snack, sprinkle nuts and seeds over yogurt or mix them into smoothies.

8. Pineapple

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Eating pineapple during your period may help to relieve cramps by lowering inflammation and increasing muscle relaxation. It's great on its own or in a fruit salad.

9. Chamomile Tea

While not a food, chamomile tea is worth mentioning because of its relaxing benefits. Chamomile's soothing and muscle-relaxing qualities can help relieve period cramps. Swap your regular tea for a calming cup of chamomile during your period to enjoy the health benefits.

10. Water

Staying hydrated is essential for good health, especially reproductive health. Drinking enough water might help relieve bloating and minimize the severity of cramps. Stay hydrated throughout your menstrual period to help your body function normally.

Foods to Avoid During Periods

While certain foods might help relieve period pain and discomfort, it is also vital to be cautious of what you eat during menstruation. Some meals can worsen symptoms and cause more discomfort.


Coffee, tea, and caffeinated beverages can cause more anxiety and stress, worsening menstruation cramps. Caffeine is known to constrict blood vessels, which might increase pelvic pain. To reduce the impact on your menstrual symptoms, opt for decaffeinated or herbal teas instead.


While sugary snacks are appealing, eating too much sugar can cause shifts in sugar levels, resulting in mood swings and irritation. Furthermore, sugary foods might cause inflammation, possibly worsening menstrual cramps. Take natural sweets such as fruits and dark chocolate in moderation.


Alcohol can disturb hormonal balance and harm the body, thereby worsening symptoms of periods. It is best to limit alcohol consumption during menstruation to reduce the risk of dehydration and mood changes.

Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated beverages can cause bloating and gas, causing stomach pain during menstruation. The bubbles in these drinks might cause feelings of fullness and dilation.

Processed Foods

Highly processed foods often have chemicals and preservatives, which can upset hormonal balance and cause inflammation. Avoid processed snacks, frozen meals, and fast food in place of full, nutrient-dense foods to help your body throughout menstruation.

Why is Women’s Reproductive Health Important?

Maintaining reproductive health involves more than just managing period pain; it requires making educated choices and taking precautions to avoid unplanned pregnancies. While a well-balanced diet helps with reproductive health, it is equally important to consider reliable contraceptive methods. Unplanned pregnancies can have a substantial impact on both physical and emotional health.
Understanding and choosing effective contraception options is critical to reproductive health. Whether it's hormonal birth control, intrauterine devices (IUDs), or barrier techniques, speaking with a healthcare expert can help women make sound choices based on their unique needs and preferences.


Being mindful of your diet during menstruation can help manage pain and promote overall well-being. Keeping a healthy diet during menstruation can help manage pain and promote overall well-being. While it is important to consume foods that relieve symptoms, eliminating particular foods can help with a smoother menstrual experience.
Listen to your body, make smart nutritional choices, and seek personalized advice from healthcare specialists to manage your menstrual health. By making careful choices about what you eat during your period, you may help yourself manage this natural part of life more easily.

Published By Anthony Morha

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Posted Jan 5, 2025

Being a woman myself, I can guarantee you that some food can definitely help you with the period pain. Below, we have curated a list of foods and the benefits …







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