1️⃣ ITS TV – Campus Online Television Channel in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).
2️⃣ Sri Mulyani – Minister of Finance of Indonesia (2016-now).
3️⃣ Susi Pudjiastuti – Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia (2014-2019).
4️⃣ Ari Lasso – Indonesian singer, songwriter, musician & former lead vocalist of Dewa 19.
5️⃣ Cak Lontong – Indonesian comedian who is also known as an expert on syllogisms as he tends to insert his proverbs into his jokes from time to time.
6️⃣ Hermawan Kartajaya – Indonesian marketing expert, President of the World Marketing Association, and named as 50 Gurus Who Have Shaped The Future of Marketing by The Chartered Institute of Marketing based in England.
7️⃣ Habib Syekh Abdul Qodir Assegaf – Religious public figure and BOC of Nahdlatul Ulama (lit. 'Revival of the Ulama', NU), an Islamic organization in Indonesia.