Data Analysis Web Report: Glyde

Sandeep Dudhraj


Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Web Developer





The goal was to re-engineer PowerBI dashboards with open source tools: Dash & Plotly. Also, the aim was to perform data analysis in order to identify opportunities for machine learning.


Curtin University's Innovation Central connects students and companies through internships and a membership program, with Glyde being among its partners. Glyde combines IoT technology and practical features to enhance accommodation experiences. It ensures that your room maintains a comfortable temperature, whether it's hot or cold outside, accessible through a multifunctional mobile app or RFID tag upon your return from a busy day's work.


When I started work with Glyde, the Glyde team was looking to port some of their PowerBI dashboards to other alternatives due to high licensing costs. Also, they were eager to implement some machine learning algorithms into their data to forecast some of the costs associated with their operations.


The solution we arrived at was a result of teamwork, with valuable guidance from my superiors regarding data analysis techniques such as data wrangling. We engaged in multiple brainstorming sessions throughout the process. My involvement spanned all aspects of the project, including backend development, data analytics, and visualization. We utilized open-source technologies like Dash, d3.js, and pandas to develop an in-house solution capable of analyzing and visualizing data through interactive bar charts, pie charts, and plots. Additionally, we implemented a basic machine learning algorithm to forecast the consumption of various food items at the canteen located near the mine site.

Future solutions improvement:

The project was a good starter project for data analytics and ML. It was a great learning experience to hone my technical as well as non-technical skills. Since I was doing the project entirely by myself, I learned to communicate with clients and understand their pain points. Since I was doing this project on the side of my work, I also learned time management, and delivering the commitments.
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Posted Apr 29, 2024

Produced comprehensive data analysis reports in PowerBI, enabling clients to gain valuable insights and make informed business decisions.






Curtin University


Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Web Developer




Sandeep Dudhraj

Expert Data Analyst & ML Engineer for hire!

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