Another horror film poster design inspired by the work of horror sculpture artist @_shark.arttack_! ⛄️
Earlier this year, I designed a horror film poster based on one of her sculptures, which happened to be a chocolate bunny with a mutated, bloody bunny breaking out of it like a cocoon. Since I designed the poster around Easter, I decided to call the fictious 80s horror film “Easter!” 🐇 As for this poster design project, I was inspired by one of Dulce’s sculptures of this snowman that had a grotesque, mutated jaw bursting from the back of the snowman. Definitely takes inspiration from John Carpenter’s “The Thing.” Speaking of, for the look, while I still wanted to go for that 80s horror film poster, I actually ended up leaning more towards the 2011 remake of “The Thing,” which had a more dramatic and desaturated look for the poster design.