Luminary Agency Website

Dominik Mészáros

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer

Project Overview

When Luminary Agency approached us, they had a clear vision: a sleek, modern website that captures their innovative spirit and dedication to excellence. They needed a platform that not only showcased their impressive portfolio but also reflected their brand identity with a touch of sophistication and creativity. We dove in with enthusiasm, ready to turn their vision into reality.

Design Process

Discovery & Research

Goal: Understand Luminary’s brand, target audience, and business objectives.

Actions: Conducted client interviews, competitor analysis, and user persona development.

Wireframing & Prototyping

Goal: Create a user-friendly and visually appealing layout.

Actions: Developed wireframes for key pages, followed by high-fidelity prototypes using Framer. Iterated designs based on client feedback.

Visual Design

Goal: Reflect Luminary’s brand ethos through a cohesive visual language.

Actions: Chose a modern color palette, typography, and imagery that resonate with the brand. Designed custom icons and graphics to enhance the aesthetic appeal.


Goal: Build a responsive, fast-loading, and SEO-friendly website.

Actions: Utilized Framer’s powerful design-to-code capabilities to ensure pixel-perfect implementation. Focused on clean code, animations, and interactive elements to enhance user experience.

Key Features

Interactive Portfolio: Showcases Luminary’s projects in an engaging, easy-to-navigate format.

Dynamic Animations: Subtle animations add a layer of sophistication and interactivity.

Responsive Design: Optimized for all devices, ensuring a seamless experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

SEO Optimization: Integrated best SEO practices to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.


Increased Engagement: User engagement metrics, including time on site and page views, saw a significant boost.

Positive Client Feedback: Luminary’s team praised the site’s aesthetic and functionality, noting it as a perfect representation of their brand.

Enhanced Online Presence: Improved SEO rankings and a noticeable increase in inbound inquiries from potential clients.


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