Essentials that play a vital role in the survival of a human life are water, food, shelter, health and wealth; but now, internet has been added that can make people forget their basic needs. People have started becoming techy and trendy, accessing all platforms over the internet to get some info or share info. The common problem among the present generation is believing and spreading fake news through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, that may lead to the possibility of serious risk. Fake news is not just the info that makes people believe but also damages the reputation, respect, including life. It is tedious to identify the fake news over the internet as there would be no evidence to prove someone has been forging it. Therefore, various experiments have been conducted to identify the fake news spreading over the social media. In this paper, Machine learning techniques such as processing a dataset and analysing point to point have been studied. Moreover, methods such as Random Forest, Naive Bayes, CNN, ANN, SVM, and all possible approaches that would help to identify and deliver which data is real and which has been spreading fake over social media globally, have been summarized.