Guide to Strength Training for Women

Saurabh Kumar

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Your strength training guide: Benefits, tips, lingo + workouts

Including exactly how soon you'll start to see results.
Strength preparation shouldn't even need to be an entanglement of disarray. Truth be told, a moderately straightforward approach to practicing utilizes obstruction preparation as free loads (for example, free weights), fixed loads (for example, free weights), and weighted rec center machines. Be that as it may, you're in good company on the off chance that you're feeling overpowered while attempting to design your entrance into this approach to working out.
The strength-preparing and weight-lifting segments of the exercise center can be overwhelming, and the equivalent goes assuming that you're at last cleaning off that piece of home exercise center gear thumping around the shed and haven't a scooby about what to involve it for.
Thus, to clear things up, we've assembled a definitive strength preparing and weight lifting for novices guide, including how soon you could get results, the advantages of making it happen, the contrast between strength preparing and utilitarian wellness, what moderate overburden really implies, how to make it work for complete, shiny new fledglings, and how to improve on the off chance that you've been preparing for some time (creatine and grasp strength, we're taking a gander at you), whether you're strength preparing at home or in the rec center.

What is strength training?

Strength training increases muscle mass and builds strength throughout the body by applying an opposing force or load, just like resistance training does.
According to Kate Whapples, a strength and conditioning coach at Yumi Nutrition, "strength training is a method of training that helps you increase your muscular strength and build muscle mass and can use many different types of training." Strength training aims to stimulate the body in a way that necessitates an adaptation response.
Strength training, for instance, includes both weight training and resistance training. However, Chiara Lewis, the founder and trainer of Total Body Studio, notes that "traditional strength training typically relies on isolating muscles one at a time to take them to fatigue." Using drop sets would be one of the most rigorous ways to accomplish this.
For novices, however, compound exercises are the main focus of strength training. These exercises engage a variety of muscle groups until you gain the strength to focus on certain muscles and push them to their limits.
Conversely, functional training is a type of strength training that centres on 'functional exercises' that may improve your day-to-day functioning. Squats, for instance, may make it easier for you to lift bulky shopping bags. Functional training is more about the fundamentals, whereas strength training may get much more complicated.

Weight training for beginners:

why you should try it

Similar to dumbbell exercises, weight training, also known as strength training, can be quite advantageous for women. According to Kate Maxey, a strength and conditioning master trainer at Third Space in London, "we all need to be strong to take on everyday tasks – carrying in the shopping from the car, running for the bus, or picking up the kids."
The issue is that we naturally begin to lose muscle mass starting in our late 20s. Actually, research indicates that you may lose 3-8% of your muscle mass every ten years after the age of thirty. It's important to begin strength training as soon as you're able to gain and retain that crucial muscle mass in order to lessen that. (Here, the argument in favor of women doing strength training.) Don't worry, though, if your early twenties seem like a distant memory. Whatever your starting point, there are countless benefits to be gained.

Will strength training make you 'bulk up'?

The short response is no. There are several reasons for this, the most significant of which being that women often have lower testosterone levels than men, which naturally causes them to have less muscle mass. You won't, therefore, be able to lift a dumbbell and develop the kind of strength that bodybuilders and competitive weightlifters do.
Gaining that much muscle mass through strength training requires patience, commitment, and work. As a result of muscle tissue burning more calories at rest than fat, you will actually tone lean muscle and expend more energy throughout the day.
Additionally, lifting weights can naturally increase your testosterone levels, which have been connected to increased energy, desire for sexual activity, and muscle growth. It makes sense.

10 strength training benefits

Lowers cholesterol
Reduces stress and improves mood. In fact, strength training has even been proven to reduce symptoms of depression, according to a meta-analysis of 33 clinical trials.
Increases muscle mass
Enhances body composition, or the proportion of muscle to fat, and increases fat burning. According to a 2017 study, dieters who engaged in strength training four times a week for 18 months shed the greatest amount of fat (approximately 18 pounds), as opposed to those who just engaged in aerobic exercise and dieters who did not exercise.
Improves posture
Decreased risk of injury
Boosts the density of bones. In a 2017 study, postmenopausal women with low bone mass showed improvements in bone density, shape, and strength after just 30 minutes twice a week of high-intensity resistance and impact exercise.
Improves sleep
It may prolong your life. According to a meta-analysis, resistance training participants have a lower risk of dying young than non-participants.
Enhances cardiovascular well-being. According to a review that was published in 2021, resistance training plus aerobic exercise is superior to aerobic exercise alone for the rehabilitation of heart disease.
Beyond making you feel strong and resilient—a quality that becomes increasingly valuable as we age—strength training has other benefits. Given that muscle tissue has a higher metabolic activity than fat tissue, it can also improve posture, lower cholesterol, and support heart health. It also keeps your metabolism running smoothly. Thus, the more muscular tissue you have, the more energy your body will burn while at rest.
The attention and rest intervals between strength training sessions can actually help you become more aware and reduce stress, even though it can raise your heart rate when you're first starting out or lifting large weights.

How to start strength training as a beginner

Look no further than this comprehensive beginner's guide to weight training. From finding the confidence to walk into the weight room in the first place—which is no small feat—to learning all the terminology you need to know, we'll be taking you on a trip.
Remember, Maxey? She's Third Space's Master Trainer for strength and conditioning. She was called in to address your questions concerning bodyweight and weighted strength training, as well as how to build strength fast and without the use of weights. Before long, you'll be an expert at strength training—read this and bookmark it.

1.What kit do I need for strength training?

Strength training doesn't require a ton of expensive equipment. Dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, and cables are typically needed for strength training, and you may find them in the gym. Alternatively, fill up your supply of home exercise equipment and work in the garden. It's your call.
You might wish to invest in weightlifting trainers and a lifting belt that can support your back and stabilize your core when performing intense deadlifts if and when you start lifting larger weights. Investing in a decent pair of weightlifting gloves can also be beneficial since they will protect your palms and improve your grip on the weights. Don't let slick hands cause you to lose your grasp—a strong grip is essential for proper form.

2. How do I build strength?

Muscles need to adapt and grow stronger in order to resist the force applied, which is how strength is developed. For many, you can start with simply your body weight and progress via exercises like squats, planks, and press-ups. It's time to increase the force or stimulus by employing weights, a technique known as resistance training, after these get easier.
Since your body is most effective at recruiting muscle fibers at lower rep ranges (anything under 12 reps), this is the best way to build strength, advises Maxey.
It is important to truly struggle through the last rep of every set to guarantee that you have properly fatigued the muscle and that your body has had time to adapt and become stronger in order to do the task you have asked of it.

3. How quickly can I build strength through strength training?

In the world of strength training, novice gains—rapid gains in strength—are a real phenomenon. Anyone who is new to weight training can see noticeable results in a short amount of time with moderate ease.
"Every day is an opportunity to build strength. Start with your own bodyweight and work your way up to using kettlebells, barbells, and all the equipment in the gym," says Maxey. "As your body adjusts to new stimuli, the biggest development will be seen within the first few weeks." Thus, we arrive to our next point...

4. How many days a week should a woman strength train?

It's imperative that you strength train consistently. "Two weeks in and one week out won't cut it; create a plan and follow it." Your strength will generally rise by about 10% in as little as two weeks if you strength train two or three times a week.
"You should see an increase of about 20–30% from where you started after a few consistent months of strength training." Crucially, though, each person's experience with this will vary based on their lifestyle, diet, and level of recovery.

5. Can I strength train without weights?

It is true that bodyweight strength exercise can help you get stronger. Actually, Maxey states that mastering the art of using your body weight to gain strength is essential before lifting any weights. Pull-ups, push-ups, and explosive power workouts are all effective ways to build strength without the need for weights.
Another advantage of bodyweight strength training is that, as your strength and fitness level increase, you can try a variety of variants. A push-up against the wall or with your arms on a bench is perfect for beginners, and with a little effort, you'll soon be hitting the deck and tearing through a set of ten push-ups. Try varying the angles of workouts to make them harder.
For instance, one-arm push-ups and single-leg squats are considerably harder than you may think and are enjoyable ways to advance your bodyweight exercises at home, according to Maxey. "You will be able to develop your strength more and more if you can use your body in a different way than you do every other day."
According to Maxey, you can also try with power activities like plyometric movements. Using controlled bodyweight movements and varying your pace with bursts of squat jumps, lunge leaps, and plank jacks are excellent ways to build strength and power, according to Kate.

6. Get in the right frame of mind before your workouts

Breathe deeply, then confidently enter the weight room or strength training area. Recall that the majority of people are either shy, just like you, or too preoccupied with their own training to pay attention to what you are doing. Try to be the other one.
Put yourself in the best possible position if you're strength training at home. Set aside some time in your calendar, turn on a great soundtrack, and make enough room so that you can curl, press, and push your way to endorphin-filled ecstasy from strength training.

7. Start with a light weight

Begin lighter; it is alright to not understand what weight you can work with. Pick a lighter weight, attempt a couple of reps, and change from that point. The objective ought to always be a wonderful structure, regardless of the weight you use.
On the off chance that you don't know what a wonderful structure is, do a little research before you start. There are horde instances of how to do establishment moves on the web (for example, step-by-step instructions to crouch, how to do a push-up, the ideal board procedure), and YouTube can be an extraordinary spot to start. In the event that you really want somewhat more consideration, think about putting resources into a meeting or two with a fitness coach. They'll have the option to direct you to the right structure. Weight lifting at home is a precarious business; you're far superior to nailing your method over the long haul.
8. Keep a gym log
Starting a gym diary, either on your phone or with a fitness software like Strong, is one of my best recommendations for keeping track of your strength training sessions. Make a note of the number of repetitions, sets, and weight you use for each exercise. Or you could write a note describing your feelings. Examine your previous performance when you next visit the gym and see if you can go a bit harder, slow down the pace, or perform more repetitions.
Additionally, the Strong app offers video demonstrations of every exercise, which is a great resource for newcomers to the weight room.
9. Stay consistent
Building strength requires consistency and structure; strength training is not a guessing game. In a matter of weeks, you'll be able to observe the extent of your growth.
Are you looking for a beginner's weight training schedule? With the help of this Alice Living strength training program for beginners, you will become proficient in fundamental movements and proper technique.
10. Keep it simple
Keep it basic: avoid making strength training excessively complicated by utilizing every piece of equipment in the gym. Focus on performing traditional compound workouts for maximum muscle activation if you want to receive the greatest benefit for your money. Exercises that work numerous muscular groups, like the squat, deadlift, bench press, and rows, are referred to as compound exercises.
Your workouts should be built around these movements, performed with proper form. See a PT for a single session or consultation if you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of organizing your routine so they can guide you through what to focus on.

What do I need to do as well as regular strength training?

We know you know that strength training is only part of the puzzle. Sure, strength training has myriad benefits and we should all be doing it to support our bones now and in the future but there are other elements to a well-rounded fitness programme that aren't found on the underside of a dumbbell.
First up, cardio. Cardio workouts are great for keeping your heart healthy, improving circulation and lowering your blood pressure. Similarly to resistance training, it's something to make into a lifelong habit.
Slightly surprising, perhaps, but cardio workouts don't have to mean hundreds of burpees or sprinting around the park. In fact, gentle cardio like walking, swimming and cycling, is brilliant for getting your cardio fix in, too.

Should I do cardio or weights first?

This depends very much on your goal. Here is some advice from the American Council on Exercise:
If your goal is better endurance, do cardio before weights.
If your goal is burning fat and losing weight, do cardio after weights.
If you want to get stronger, do cardio after weights.
On upper-body strength training days, you can do either first.
On lower-body strength training days, do cardio after weights.
If your goal is just general fitness, do either first, but maybe start with the one you like less.

Active recovery

What should you do now if you're not working out? You guessed it: assist your body in returning to normal.
If we don't give our bodies the time to heal in between strength training sessions, all of the hard work we put in during those sessions could be undone. However, this does not imply that you have to spend your day doing nothing but lying down and drinking protein shakes.
Active recuperation, which includes everything from walking to hiking, foam rolling, stretching, performing mobility exercises, and light yoga, is an excellent way to enhance blood flow, which can greatly aid in your muscles healing themselves.

NEAT exercise

Last but not least, engage in non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT exercise. Anything you do that isn't specifically designated as exercise is called NEAT. Consider playing with your children, doing housework, walking the dog, climbing stairs, and even fidgeting. Our daily energy expenditure, or the number of calories we burn, is mostly composed of all of these activities — far more so than the intense 40-minute gym session we endure.
The goal with NEAT is to maintain a level of activity every day that supports every other healthy thing we're trying to do (including strength training and weight training). This was much easier when our commute was longer than bed to kitchen table and back again but there are simple ways to increase how much NEAT you're doing a day:
Walking to your destination instead of driving or taking public transport;
Choosing the stairs over the lift;
Standing up and walking around for a short time every hour or between meetings.
It's important to exercise with NEAT if you're aiming to reduce body fat or weight. It will assist you in reaching your objectives and may also provide you with some much-needed mental space.

Strength training for beginners: workouts

Try these weighted and bodyweight strength training workouts from Kate Maxey. With the weighted workout, the weight you choose is up to you, just choose a weight that makes the last rep really tough.

Bodyweight strength training workout

Do each exercise for up to 12 reps. Aim for three to five sets of each exercise before moving on to the next. Take a short rest between each set before moving on (1 – 3 minutes).

1. Crabwalk and press up

a) In a high plank position with your back straight and your core braced move sideways for 3 steps.
b) Perform a push-up, drop down to your knees if you need to. Crab walk back to the start position.

2. Tricep dips

a) Sit on the edge of a bench or chair and place your palms facedown next to your thighs, fingers gripping the edge. Place your feet on the floor in front of you, knees bent. Keeping your arms straight, scoot forward until your hips and butt are in front of the seat.
b) Bend your elbows and lower your hips until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back to start. That's one rep.

3. Body weight tempo squat

a) With your legs hip-width apart, lower your bum back for 4 counts until it is parallel with your knees or slightly lower. Your knees should not travel over your toes. Pause for 2 counts.

4. Lateral lunge

a) Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed straight forward. Step out with your right foot as wide as possible. Engage through the right heel as you drop your hips down and back while keeping the left leg straight, stretching the groin on the left leg and keeping both soles of the feet on the ground and toes pointed straight forward. Make sure your right knee is tracking over your right foot the whole motion.
b) Powerfully “punch” your right heel into the floor to push yourself back to the full standing start position. That’s one rep.

5. Step up with bench

a) Stand in front of a step or bench and place your left foot on the step. Push your body up until your left leg is straight.
b) Return to start. That's one rep.

Weighted strength training workout for beginners

Depending on the weight you choose and your current level of strength, you can perform each exercise for up to 12 repetitions. Before going on to the following exercise, try to complete three to five sets of each one. After a brief break (1–3 minutes) between each set, continue. Always choose a weight that pushes you; the final rep ought to be difficult!

1. Kettlebell goblet squat

a) Take hold of a dumbbell or kettlebell. Place your toes slightly outward and your feet somewhat wider than hip-width apart when you stand. Hold the kettlebell with the right side up by the horn. Hold the weight directly beneath your chin while pinning your elbows to your rib cage.
b) Bend your hips and knees to bring your body as low as possible in three seconds, keeping your arms close to your chest and your elbows facing downward.
c) At the bottom of the squat, when you are at your lowest position, pause for two seconds. Then, push through your heels, legs, and glutes to rise back up to the beginning position, which should take you around three seconds more.

2. Kettlebell deadlift

a) Get a heavy kettlebell ready on the floor just in front of you. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart then squat down and pick up the kettlebell.
b) Holding your core tight and back straight, push your bum out and working from your legs, pull yourself back up to stand tall.
3. Dumbbell lunges
a) Hold a dumbbell in each hand, step backward with your right leg and lower your body into a lunge.
b) Pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
4. Dumbbell bench press
a) Lie faceup on a bench with your arms straight, a dumbbell in each hand. Lower the dumbbells until they’re close to the sides of your chest.
b) Press them back up to the starting position. That's one rep.
5. Dumbbell bent-over row
a) Using an overhand grip and hands spaced about shoulder-width apart, grab a set of dumbbells. Stretch the dumbbells out to your full arm length, then bend at the hips to bring your body down to almost parallel with the floor. You should have a small bend in your knees and a naturally arched lower back.
b) Pull the dumbbells up to the sides of your torso while squeezing your shoulder blades together. After pausing, go back to were you were before.

3 common strength training mistakes to watch out for

It is not going to be perfect every time. Absolutely not, not at all. However, there are a few common strength training errors that we should be aware of and address as soon as they arise. Let's go over the most typical errors made when strength training and how to avoid them.

1. Lifting too heavy

One of the quickest routes to injury while strength training is to overtrain yourself with weight because the person next to you is lifting ten or more kettlebells. One that can prevent you from working out at home or in the gym for some time. Not the best.
Rather, aim for a weight that will allow you to perform 80% of your reps with ease while still exerting yourself; the last 20% of your reps should be difficult. Try lifting less weight than you initially believe you can and gradually increase it if you're unsure. This is when increasing overload may be something to think about.
You should consider your grip strength as well. Even while the muscles you're aiming to target may handle more weight, if you plump up too much, it's likely that your grip strength will be what keeps you back. To find out how to strengthen your grip, see our guide on the subject.

2. Neglecting the need to rest

While it's convenient to work under pressure (hey, quick lunch break!), there's a purpose for the rest intervals in between strength and weight training sessions. Taking the entire time, which is often around 60 seconds, aids in muscular preparation for the upcoming set.
If you can complete the task in less 60 seconds, it may indicate that you are not putting in enough effort during your "on periods." Even though you might not be breathing heavily while working out with weights, you should still push yourself during each set and take the time to recover.

3. Working the same muscle group too often

Lastly, it may be time to reconsider your weekly strength and weight training regimens if your exercise split appears to be more of an ode to your glutes than anything else.
Make an effort to balance your weekly regimen of cardio, strength training for the upper and lower body, and recuperation exercises. Although it may need a bit more planning, it is unquestionably worthwhile.

44 strength training terms and lingo to get familiar with

Abduction: The movement of a limb away from the centre line of the body.
Adduction: The movement of a limb towards the centre line of the body.
Agonist: The muscle whose contraction is directly responsible for moving part of the body.
Antagonist: The muscle that counteracts the agonist, lengthening whilst the agonist muscle contracts.
Barbell: A weight used for resistance exercise; a bar with detachable weighted plates at each end.
Compound exercise: An exercise that involves using more than one muscle or muscle group to perform.
Concentric: The lifting phase of an exercise, in which the muscle shortens or contracts.
DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness): The pain or stiffness felt in muscles in the 24-72 hours after heavy exercise.
Dumbbell: A weight used for exercising; a small handle with either fixed or detachable plates at each end.
Eccentric: The lowering phase of an exercise, in which the muscle lengthens.
Extension: The movement of a limb going from a bent to a straight position.
Failure: The point in an exercise at which the exerciser has fully fatigued their working muscles and can no longer perform any additional reps.
Flexion: The movement of a limb going from a straight to a bent position. The opposite of extension.
Form: A specific way of performing a movement or exercise. The correct form should allow the exerciser to avoid injury and maximise their benefits.
Free weights: Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and other similar pieces of equipment that don't have a fixed movement pattern, unlike a cable machine, for example.
Frequency: How often exercise or the completion of a full workout should happen. Often written as per week.
Full body training: Training the full body during one workout, rather than splitting workouts up into body parts.
Hypertrophy: The scientific term meaning an increase in muscle mass and relative muscle strength.
Intensity: The degree of effort put into each set of exercises.
Isolation exercise: An exercise that stresses a single muscle, or muscle group, isolating it from the rest of the body.
Isometric: A muscular contraction where the muscle maintains a constant length and the connecting joint does not move.
Isotonic: A muscular contraction in which there is a change in the length of the muscle; for example concentric and eccentric movements.
Mass: The relative size of a muscle group, or the entire body.
Muscular endurance: The ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.
Negative reps: Performing multiple reps of only the eccentric phase of a lift or exercise.
Overload principle (aka progressive overload): Applying a greater than normal stress or load on the body, required for training adaption and progression to occur.
Partial reps: Performing an exercise without going through the complete range of motion of the muscle.
PB (Personal Best): The best performance of an exercise; often measured in weight lifted or reps performed in strength training.
Periodisation: The systematic planning of a training programme to allow the exerciser to reach their best possible performance in a specific time frame.
Progressive resistance: Increasing the weight used whilst exercising as muscles gain strength and endurance.
Push/Pull training: A training method in which the push muscles (chest, triceps, quads and lateral and medial deltoids) and pull muscles (back, biceps, read deltoids and hamstrings) are trained on separate days to avoid overstressing the muscles.
Reps (Repetitions): The number of times an exerciser performs an exercise, or lifts and lowers a weight, in one set.
Rest: The pause or break between sets designed to allow the muscles to partially recover.
RPE (Rated Perceived Exertion): The scale used to measure the intensity of exercise; 1 being easy and 10 being very strenuous.
Sets: A group of reps performed back to back, after which a short rest period is taken.
Split training: Also known as a "workout split" this refers to splitting the muscles of the body up so that they are worked in different training sessions or on different days of the week.
Spotter: A person who watches an exercising partner closely and is on hand to offer help during an exercise if it is needed.
Strength training: Using resistance training to build maximum muscle force.
Superset: Alternating back and forth between two exercises until the desired number of sets is complete.
Tempo: The speed or count of a lift. Depending on the goal of the exercise, the concentric, isometric and eccentric phases are each assigned a count and these together create the tempo.
Triset: Alternating back and forth between three exercises until the desired number of sets is complete.
Volume: The number of reps or sets that are performed in a workout.
Weight: The mass of a barbell, dumbbell or similar piece of equipment used during a workout. Often measured in kg or lbs.
1RM (One Rep Max): The heaviest weight a person can lift with maximum effort in a single repetition.
Starting strength training may seem daunting, but simplicity is key. This guide covers the basics, benefits, and tips for beginners. It dispels myths, emphasizes consistency, and provides workouts for both bodyweight and weighted exercises. Recognizing the importance of rest, cardio, and overall fitness, the guide offers a comprehensive approach to strength training. Avoiding common mistakes and understanding terminology, it serves as a valuable resource for anyone beginning their strength training journey. Results can be seen in weeks, making every day an opportunity for progress and improved well-being.
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