Chasing the Elusive Dream

Annette Kiru

Creative Writer
Blog Writer
Sometimes you want something that eludes you,
Something you cannot seem to have,
That you are never supposed to have,
Yet you keep chasing it,
Trying to make it work, to fit your ideas.
But sometimes the Universe knows best,
That some things are not for you,
That you shouldn't have them,
Because they are not aligned with your purpose.
They are not the things that touch every part of you and heal your soul,
They are the things you definitely don’t need.
See, that one thing that is for you will come,
It is coming,
If only you hold on to hope a little longer,
And be patient a while longer,
That one thing is here,
If only you let go enough,
To be able to recognize it.
And receive it,
Smile and believe,
For your opportunities are abundant and infinite,
Waiting for you to embrace them with open arms.
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