WordWave Startup: Automating Human + AI Driven Content Creation

Hussein Saab

AI Content Creator
Content Creator
AI Developer
Objective: Build a platform that leverages both human creativity and AI tools to streamline content creation and distribution, with a focus on validating the product-market fit through rigorous testing.
Assumptions: We mapped out key assumptions about our target market, including the demand for integrated AI tools in content workflows and the willingness of creators to adopt new technologies.
Testing Approach: We’re executing a 90-day testing phase using a mix of cold outreach and targeted ads to identify and engage our early adopters. This approach allows us to gather real-time feedback and refine our understanding of our ideal customer profile.
Next Steps: After validating our core assumptions and identifying the most responsive customer segments, we plan to scale our efforts, optimizing our outreach and expanding the platform’s reach based on the insights gained.
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