Interpretation of Logic

Trinh Kondo

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Simply how I view logic when asked to interpret what it means by definition.
Logic by formal definition is reasoning conducted/assessed according to strict principles of validity. In my mind, logic is a series of deductions that are found by the most common means with very blatant evidence. It’s a “scientific process” in my opinion considering I grew up with STEM since I was small. Logic is finding visual evidence or extremely common reasons to deduce a conclusion. The sky is blue, why? Because it is visibly blue and most people see it as blue, so the most logical conclusion is that the sky is blue. Logic is the quickest, easiest, most common, and visually evident to the majority of people and/or that can be deduced by common sense.
I believe Logic is every important in how we form opinions and beliefs. Even in the most selfish of senses, having a logical base will make people be able to understand our point of view and potentially agree with it. Having logic is the best support for making anyone be more lenient towards your own views, because logic gives them a pathway to understand where you’re coming from, where I’m coming from, and why things are viewed a certain way or interpreted another. Those who rattle off opinions without a solid reasoning, tend to be made fun of or not taken seriously by a majority of people. Unless those people happen to “share” the same view by convenience and rather have a blind companion rather than listen to any logic.
There are limits to logic, there’s a limit to everything in my opinion. For logic, it’s strictly about observations that can be seen in nature, but not all things can be observed. The Supernatural is a thing and is the only thing that cannot be explained by logic since it cannot be consistently observed by the naked eye. Logic plays an important role in my life since it’s the logic that fuels common thinking and for me, gives the most accurate results. If it can be proven, then I am more inclined to believe it. It’s hard to refute evidence when it’s staring you in the face.
However, I do take exceptions since believing in the supernatural is one of my favorite things. I love to believe in something that defies logic since it makes what we know in this reality such a mystery. So for me, logic plays an important role because it makes my brain think of solutions and it churns my creative gears to see exactly how the logic can be twisted or applied to special situations or factors. Makes everything a tad more fun and interesting.


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