An Academic Paper

Ashley Dawson

Academic Writer
Microsoft Office 365

What I Know About Abnormalities

When brushing up on previous information about abnormality, I realized the idea of having a disability like Bipolar 1 Disorder, Bipolar 2 Disorder, seizure disorder, or Oppositional defiant disorder would have put me in the category of being possessed by demons. I have always said I would not survive in the pre-eighteen hundred because of these disabilities. After reading more, I realized I would not have made it past childhood. I would not have made it past childhood because of how early I received my diagnosis. Having a seizure disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder as a child would have made the pre-historic community think I was demon possessed by my personal experience; I have had therapy because of these disorders for someone who has learned to cope in a world where abnormal behavior is normal for some people. There is also the option of being hospitalized as a treatment where you would have a group or one-on-one therapy. The historical evidence of being in a psychiatric hospital amazed me how people before eighteen hundred would get treatment. However, being put in a cage or having a screw put in one’s head shows how we have improved our treatments and hospitalization living.

On the other hand, having a disability, I know that some can be genetic. There are also cases of someone being a carrier of these genes; for example, the parent could carry the marker for a seizure disorder, bipolar disorder, or ODD, but there are chances that one or both children would have these disorders.

From reading, I have learned that neurons are connected, and seizures show abnormality when looked at on an EEG or some other technology that can explain the anomaly within the brain. A chemical that travels through neurons when joined by synoptic space causes the repliers beside another neuron. It is essential to learn how the brain works and how specific abnormalities are caused by the chemical sparks that show a difference within a person.

From what I know and what I have read, I hope to learn more about what causes the abnormalities and how a person can tell the difference between Bipolar 1 and 2, schizophrenia, and neurological in traumatic and genetic and how they are different. On the other hand, I am interested in other treatments besides medication that could help with these disorders. Nevertheless, I am interested in disorders in children and whether they last until adulthood.

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