When I joined TxGIO, the team was exploring different product concepts. But there was uncertainty about who their users were, how they interacted with TxGIO data, and what specific problems needed solving. My challenge was to clarify these unknowns, align the team around user-centered goals, and provide a clear strategy for product direction.
Presentation pages showing research findings.
Discovery Research for TxGIO
To uncover user needs and avoid building unnecessary tools, I conducted field interviews with data users to observe their workflows, identify pain points, and understand how they interact with TxGIO data.
TxGIO data collections snippets for a card sorting exercise.
Interactive Affinity Mapping during Holiday Parties
During the discovery phase, I synthesized insights in-office onto a physical affinity map, visually communicating user needs and sparking internal discussions about how to better serve TxGIO's audience.
Pieces of paper grouped together with words highlighted on a board.
Building an Actionable Research Database
I also created an Airtable database to document insights and guide the development team in prioritizing features based on real user feedback.
Screenshot of Airtable database, showing snippets of user insights.
The discovery research revealed critical gaps in understanding how users interacted with TxGIO data, which shifted focus toward improving data access and exploration for the TxGIO Data Hub instead of developing a new visualization tool.
The affinity mapping exercise served as a powerful internal communication tool, helping stakeholders understand how their work impacted real users and aligning the team around user-driven goals.
The Airtable research repository made it easy for the development team to access key insights, prioritize features, and make informed decisions about future updates for other products.
By centering the project around user needs rather than assumptions, I helped the team identify a more effective approach to meeting TxGIO’s goals. The collaboration led to better alignment with the users' workflows and resulted in a more efficient, data-driven process. This project reinforced the importance of understanding user needs early on and being willing to pivot the strategy based on insights, ensuring that resources are effectively allocated.
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Posted Nov 27, 2024
This project's goal was to create a web app for the TxGIO Data Hub that allowed users to visualize data by layers.