Algrow digital | Design and Development studio

karan shah

Fullstack Engineer
Product Designer
CSS Blocks
Algrow Digital

A digital agency, which desgin and develops for startups and creators.

The brand is focused to provide premium desgin, development and marketing services to startups, individuals and small business owners.


We wanted to make UI/UX to be simple and minimilastic and developed website should be very smooth on every browser.


We chose black and white as the theme for our website, to provide make desgin look clean and pure, it feels premium to the user. The logo was also desgined in black and white to give sense of clarity, boldness as black and white provides maximum contrast.
The bold font of logo induces the sense of trust in the user and makes the name more readable and recognisable. Next we developed the website using vanilla javascript, css grids and html to be very smooth and responsive in all platforms and devices.
Small visual elements were very carefully choosen and a consistency in desgin kept.
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