Blog | CureScience

Lawrence D Jones

Content Writer

Copy Editor

Microsoft Office 365

With a 3rd person lens, start with a one sentence summary of this project! Who was involved with this project, and what did you create together? Explain this as if no one has heard of this project before.

The Spark ✨

Each of the blogs that you see on the CureScience Blog webpage take about 5 - 10 hours of work. This work includes idea selection, research, initial copy, review, rewrite, review, image placement and final submission. I edited all of the blogs on the webpage and personally wrote many of them as you can see from the byline at the end of the blog.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: How long did the project take? Budget: How much did cost? Deliverables: List some deliverables that the independent gave. • Deliverable 1 • Deliverable 2 • Deliverable 3

Add a quote about this project from a client, independent, or any other relevant collaborators! 🚀

Name Role

Add a quote about this project from a client, independent, or any other relevant collaborators! 💪

Name Role
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Posted Dec 7, 2022

A blog about happenings in the field of Diagnostics, Immunology, Immunotherapies, Regenerative Medicine, Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), Neurology, Neuro-oncolo…








Content Writer

Copy Editor

Microsoft Office 365

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