House of Greens - Brand Visual Identity

Arjun Patel

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer


House of Greens (HOG) was a pivotal project in my visual design journey, originating as part of my graduation project in 2019. What began as a small-scale pilot endeavor led by my brother Karan, housed in a spare room of our apartment, has now flourished into a thriving facility cultivating over 6000 plants in each cycle.
During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a hands-on approach to deliver our greens directly to customers' doorsteps. This intimate interaction not only strengthened our connection with the audience but also provided invaluable insights into their preferences and needs.
Brand Visual Identity Breakdown
Brand Visual Identity Breakdown
Brand Visual Identity Breakdown
Brand Visual Identity Breakdown
Style Guide
Style Guide
HOG Touchpoints
HOG Touchpoints
HOG Touchpoints
HOG Touchpoints
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