Divvy Trip Data Analysis - Python

Sukhmandeep Singh


Data Visualizer

Data Analyst



Objective: To gain insights into customer behavior and usage patterns of Divvy bikes, a popular bike-sharing service in Chicago.
Data: The analysis utilized historical Divvy bike trip data, including information on start and end stations, timestamps, user types (casual or member), and bike types.
Key Questions:
Customer Preferences: What types of bikes are most popular among Divvy riders? Are there any differences in preferences between casual and member users?
Usage Patterns: When are peak usage times and days of the week? How do these patterns vary seasonally?
Station Popularity: Which stations are the most popular for both starting and ending trips? Are there any geographic trends?
Trip Duration: What is the average trip duration? Are there any significant differences between casual and member users?
Analysis Techniques:
Descriptive Statistics: Calculated summary statistics for variables such as trip duration, start and end times, and bike types.
Data Visualization: Created visualizations like histograms, bar charts, and maps to explore data trends and patterns.
Time Series Analysis: Analyzed seasonal and weekly trends in bike usage to identify peak periods.
Geographic Analysis: Used mapping techniques to visualize station popularity and identify geographic clusters.
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Posted Sep 5, 2024

Analyzed bike usage patterns to understand customer preferences, peak times, station popularity, and trip durations. Discovered trends in bike types, seasonals.






Data Visualizer

Data Analyst



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